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Solar Panel Installation: A Step-By-Step Guide

Thinking about installing solar panels on your home? This step-by-step guide breaks down the process, from initial consultation to system activation. It covers everything you need to know, including site assessment, permits, panel selection, installation, and maintenance. Make your transition to solar energy as smooth as possible with this informative guide.

There is no hard and fast rule for how often you should clean your solar panels. At worst, you’ll go too long between cleanings and notice your energy efficiency has decreased. You can visually inspect the panels to see if there is any dirt or dust build-up—in which case it’s time to clean

Tips for Cleaning Solar Panels
Gather all of your supplies before cleaning solar panels. It’s ideal to clean the panels when temperatures outside are relatively cool and there isn’t harsh sunlight. This strategy is both for your comfort and to protect your solar panels.

What Not to Do:
Don’t use a pressure washer as this can damage the glass on solar panels.
Don’t spray cold water on hot panels as this can cause the panels to crack.
Don’t use harsh chemicals, like bleach, as these can damage the solar panels and also harm nearby wildlife.
When to Call a Professional
Although cleaning solar panels is a straightforward task, there are some valid reasons why homeowners may choose not to do it themselves—such as safety concerns, physical limitations or time constraints.

Rain can help naturally rinse off your solar panels. But if you live in a dry climate, you may need to clean off your panels more often. Solar panels are generally placed in areas with clear access to the sun. However, if you have trees nearby in your yard, then pollen, leaves, branches and other types of debris may end up on the solar panels. Solar panels on roofs with steep pitches generally need to be cleaned less often than solar panels on roofs with low pitches.

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